You can get your diploma with the specialty “Electrician” at a vocational school, college, or in courses. However, to become an electrical engineer, you need to graduate.
For comparison: in the United States, to become an electrician, it is enough to have a high school diploma – while studying at school, students themselves choose and undergo internships included in the educational program. These internships are possible thanks to agreements concluded between schools and institutions. After the internship, the student can optionally undergo training in technical schools.

In Australia, you can get an education as an electrician and an electrical engineer in colleges and universities. Students can master these specialties at the faculties of vocational training and at the institutes of hydropower and renewable energy sources, information systems and engineering, and computer technologies, energy, and electrical engineering.
There are continuing education courses for electricians who already have a degree in their specialty. Duration – 72 hours, form of training – full-time and part-time. The course teaches the basics of operating electrical installations, methods, and means of protection, and the basics of ensuring safety. They also teach how to provide first aid. At the end of the course, is assigned a category.

The profession of an electrician is in demand everywhere: from construction companies to transport, from schools to factories, and housing and communal services organizations. Where light is needed, an electrician will always be needed. In the 21st century – the century of information technology – electricity began to play a special role. PCs, smartphones, and other devices rarely run on solar energy – they are powered by electricity. Until other sources of energy are invented, it will continue to rescue devices, communications equipment, and electrical grids.
Getting a job and career
An electrician can work as an employee in a public or private organization, or for himself. This profession makes it easy to combine work in a company and freelance. By working for himself, they expand his experience and knowledge base, improves communication skills, and is an eternal hero of householders. You can climb the career ladder as an electrician by getting grades and moving to other groups. You can get a category, for example, by taking professional retraining courses.
Salary level
The salary level varies in Australia depending on the region. The average salary of an electrician in Australia is 20-60 thousand dollars. The income level depends on the employee’s employment and the number of privately processed applications.
Future prospects
There is always a place in the labor market for electricians. The profession is promising, there are many vacancies. As long as there is electricity, specialists will be needed who can work with it and establish electrification.
Who can become an electrician

If you are not interested in such exact sciences as mathematics and physics, then this type of activity is hardly suitable for you. Electricians of the highest category are required to draw perfectly, be well-versed in circuits, master the basics of electronics and applied mechanics.
- attentiveness and caution, responsibility and accuracy. Often, not only the normal operation of the electrical network depends on the actions of an electrician, but also his own life since he often has to work under voltage;
- sharp eyesight. A visually impaired electrician can easily stick a screwdriver in a completely different place, where it was planned, and, as a result, remain disabled or disconnect the whole enterprise;
- physical endurance and good vestibular apparatus. In other cases, you need to go up high and spend time in uncomfortable positions, which is beyond the power of people with weakened legs and the body in general.
There are other medical contraindications. For example, in the case of diseases of the spine, the path to electricians is not available. With a poorly functioning heart, problems with the lungs, and mental disorders, you should also not choose this profession as a field of activity.